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Too Shy to Stop

Posts by Kate Jylkka


Kate Jylkka, a native of Rockport, MA, graduated from Colby College in May 2009 where she majored in English and minored in Chinese. In the fall, she will be attending Boston College to get her master’s, also in English. Her work experiences range from retail, to waitressing, to editorial intern, to park ranger, and her first ever published work was a short story about a chipmunk who was friends with Paul Revere. In her free time, she enjoys drawing, running, baking, and reading…a lot. Someday, she would like to teach English, be an editor, or something else that involves getting paid for reading and writing and helping others to do the same. Until then, she can be found at home, pondering why reheated coffee tastes so much worse than the fresh stuff.


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